
A hotel is a managed building or establishment which provides guests with a place to stay overnight on a short term basis in exchange for money. The precise features and services provided to guests can vary quite drastically from one hotelmto another. The commercial revival of the European middle ages stimulated a widespread growth of inns and hostels. Many of these were operated by monastic brotherhoods in order to guarantee haven for travelers in dangerous regions, a famous example is the hostel in the great St. Bernard Pass in the swiss Alps. Which was founded in the 10th century by St. Bernard of Montjoux and still operated by the community of Augustinian Monks. The hotel industry is one of the most important components of the wider service industry, catering to customers who require overnight accommodation. It is closely associated with the travel and hospitality industries, although there are notable differences in scope. The process of arriving and registering once stay in a hotel as a walk-in guest or a pre-arrival guest is known as check-in. Check-out is once the guest settles all bills/hands over the keys at the reception. It's worth nothing that several types of check-in exist such as VIP/Group check-in/Check-out.